
Checklist before engaging a pool designer


To assist in the design process, it is really IMPORTANT to have considered the following items: 

  1. Establish what my budget is? It is imperative to disclose the overall budget to your designer in order to achieve a design that is affordable. 
    Pool and Landscape projects can range anywhere from $35,000 to $500,000.
  2. Visit the tile shop to determine what tiles/materials you would like to use in the space? This is important to know at the beginning of the design process to create the best design aesthetic. (The Pool Tile Company, Groove Stone and Tile, or 3D Stone and TIle are good places to try)
  3. Measure my access to establish how big a machine you can into the property? This will significantly affect the budget. (Subject to soil conditions)
    • 2m of access will allow for a one day dig with a 5ton excavator, and standard bobcat carry out if required
    • 1.65m of access will allow for a 1-2 day dig (depending on pool size) with a 3 ton excavator
    • 1.4m of access will allow for a 1-2 day dig with a 2ton excavator and mini bobcat carry out. 
    • 1m of access will allow for a 2-3 day dig with a 1.5ton excavator and mini bobcat (add $15,000K to the budget) 
  4. Finalize all/any house plans/renovation ideas. If you are building a new home or renovating an existing one it is important to have finalised those plans/ideas prior to engaging the pool and landscape designer.  At minimum with a new build I will require a site plan with elevations including a FFL of the ground floor and contour plan of the site.
  5. Do a Dial before you dig search and contact council about any easements over the property-Have I got a Sewer or stormwater pipes or easements where I want to put the pool? onecall.1100.com.au
  6. Check if there are any powerlines within 3m of where the pool is going to go? This is an exclusion zone.
  7. Speak to the neighbours about what I am thinking either to discuss new fencing, structures, or using their property for access.
  8. Other items to think about- pool fencing (Glass vs Aluminium) how much cleaning I am willing to do.
  9. Establish a timeline of when you want the project to be built? All quotes are only valid for one month.  
  10. Engage a surveyor -If you are on a tricky or sloping site you would want to consider getting a contour survey plan completed by a surveyor.  Please ask if you would like us to recommend one. survey360.com.au
  11. Arrange a current Soil Test (If not already available) to obtain accurate Engineering Plans for the project.

       (Apod Soil Testing Services 07 32646995 – apodsoil@bigpond.com ).

If you are considering Installing new boundary fences, or the pool will be constructed on a boundary you will be required as part of the approval process to have those boundaries surveyed and pegged for identification and accuracy of the pool location.

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